What Blackswan Does?

Blackswan Holdings Limited

Blackswan is a single family office (SFO) based in Abu Dhabi investing in unique assets that have the potential to yield abnormal returns – not only grow capital but multiply it severalfold.

We seek targets are rare to find like black swans, hence the name of our company. We started in 2017.

We actively manage our own funds or participate in investment pools using wide range of strategies, often including buying with borrowed money and trading esoteric assets. We like event-driven opportunities, where we design and build companies from scratch to capitalize on global megatrends or changing geopolitics.

What are we looking for?

Deals beyond boundaries

We try to find superior transactions hardly accessible for the market participants – we believe abnormal returns are found in less competitive and frequently illiquid space. We aim at surpassing the 99th percentile of the market.

We seek targets are rare to find like black swans, hence the name of our company.

Where the opportunity does not present itself, we reinvest the excess capital following actively managed equity-long only strategy or allocate the capital into income generating assets.

What is our competitive edge?

Strategy focused on four ‘Ps’

People – we try build our Team from a diverse background. Anyone can steer the ship when the sea is calm. We look for self achievers, who can manage in all circumstances.

Philosophy – we try to distil the single element of truth and turn in into actionable insights, by applying various mental models. By looking through the lenses of big ideas in big disciplines.

Process – we like to learn from the mistakes of others, the epiphanies of others, and insights of others – except for due diligence. We rely on our own understanding, and we have our own proprietary process to evaluate deals.

Public relations – we are privileged to be at the forefront of emerging new Middle-Eastern civilization. We could not develop substance, networks, wealth, experience, unless constantly willing to increase reputation and reliability.